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COVID - 19 - Cancellation of Awards 2020

Updated: May 26, 2020

The SJCC is sad to announce that it is cancelling this years awards event due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

SJCC chair, Darren Webb issued the announcement to the SJCC members and attendees of the proposed event:

“As Chairman of the Suffolk Joint Construction Committee I must inform you that our annual awards dinner which was to be held at Trinity Park in Ipswich on 7th May 2020 has been cancelled due to the government’s advice regarding Coronavirus.”

The decision has been taken following the Government’s announcement to implement increased social distancing, avoid crowds gathering and carrying out any unnecessary travel. This extends to this year’s awards judging and presentation.

Tickets sales for the cancelled awards evening event will be refunded, or cheques destroyed.

The SJCC will be reviewing how to re-open the awards once government advice changes in the future and will ensure that any projects entered into this year’s awards have their chance to be judged, whether that be later this year or incorporated into next year’s event.

Mr Webb added that: “We’d like to apologise to everyone for any inconvenience and disappointment that this cancellation will cause but hope you understand this decision has been taken to provide some certainty within the unprecedented situation we are facing.”

The SJCC Committee

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